The program scans all the files on your computer and all the email messages sent and received by default. However, you can specify the types of files or messages not to scan. Follow these steps to define the settings you want:
Click on Status in the main window of the program.
In the Protection section, click Settings.
Click Known threats.
Click on the Settings option corresponding to the email protection (Scan email).
Go to the Mail -news tab and specify the messages that the automatic mail protection must not scan. The options available are: Scan inbound messages and Scan outbound messages. It is advisable to leave these two options selected.
If you want the program to scan compressed files received via email, select the Scan compressed attachments checkbox.
You will see that All extensions option is selected by default. If you want to scan only files with certain extensions, select Files with the following extensions and click Extensions....
A list of the extensions that will be scanned appears. You can remove or add extensions to the list. To remove an extension, select it and click on Remove. To add a new extension, write it in the textbox and click Add. The Clear list button removes all extensions from the list, and the Restore list button restores the original extensions. In this window you can also indicate if you want to scan files without an extension or all Office files (regardless of the extensions in the list). Click OK.
Click OK.
Hoaxes are email messages warning of fictitious viruses. If you want to detect these types of messages click Advanced settings and make sure Detect hoaxes is enabled.